Self Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs: thoughts, ideas, and assumptions that limit our progress.

For most of us, they’re not an issue until we take on a challenge in our lives that requires significant bravery and a step into the unknown.

The bulk of the work that goes into changing careers or returning to work after a career break actually goes into changing our beliefs about what’s possible.

For example ?

✨ Fears about new technology can be reframed into the opportunity to learn something new.

✨ Worries about our skillset & experience can be reframed into identifying the new transferable life skills we’ve learned during our career break.

✨ The self-doubt that a company will hire you can be reframed into discovering that companies today are looking for the value you can bring to the table.

Lastly, remember that you’re not alone ?

Our free Back to Work Connect Membership is a supportive, non-judgmental space specifically for women returning to the workplace. Our goal is to arm you with the tools and support you need to navigate the return-to-work journey successfully.

Join for free today at and let’s challenge these limiting beliefs together ?



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