Interview Tips

Tips for Answering Unexpected Questions in an Interview

Getting asked an unexpected or difficult question during an interview can be intimidating, but it’s essential to stay calm and handle the situation professionally. Here are some steps you can take: Pause and breathe: Take a moment to collect your thoughts. It’s okay to pause briefly before responding. This shows that you’re considering the question […]

Phone Interview Coming Up? Here’s Why You Should Take It Seriously

Got a phone interview coming up? Phone interviews serve several important purposes in the hiring process and should be taken as seriously as a face to face interview. Here’s why: Initial Screening: Phone interviews are often used as a preliminary screening tool to assess a candidate’s basic qualifications, communication skills, and overall fit for the […]

Competency Interviews: What to expect & what you need to know

Competency-based interviews are structured interviews designed to assess specific skills, behaviors, and qualities that are essential for a particular job or role. Here’s what you can typically expect in a competency-based interview: Behavioral Questions: Instead of asking hypothetical questions, the interviewer will ask about your past experiences, actions, and behaviors in specific situations. These questions […]

Is sending a thank you note after an interview a good idea?

Is sending a thank you note after an interview a good idea? Yes, it is generally a good idea to send a follow-up message after an interview. A well-crafted follow-up can serve several purposes: Express Gratitude: A follow-up email is an opportunity to express your appreciation for the opportunity to interview. Thank the interviewer(s) for […]

Nervous about an upcoming interview?

It’s completely normal to feel nervous before an interview. Here are some tips to help you manage your nervousness and boost your confidence: Preparation is Key: Research the company thoroughly. Understand its values, mission, and culture. Know the job description and requirements well. Prepare answers to common interview questions. Rehearse your responses with a friend […]

The Dangers of Oversharing in a Job Interview

Over-sharing in a job interview can be detrimental for several reasons. While it’s important to convey relevant information about yourself to potential employers, providing too much personal or irrelevant information can create a negative impression and harm your chances of securing the job. Here are some reasons why over-sharing is generally considered a bad thing […]

Creating An Effective CV: The Dos And Don’ts

Creating an effective CV (curriculum vitae) is crucial for landing job interviews, and avoiding common mistakes is essential. Here are some of the most common CV mistakes: Spelling and Grammar Errors: These can make a negative impression and suggest a lack of attention to detail. Proofread your CV thoroughly or ask someone else to review […]

Reboot Your Career After A Break: Questions to Ask Yourself

Returning to work after a career break can be a significant decision, and asking yourself the right questions can help you navigate this process effectively. Here are some questions to consider: Motivation: Why do I want to return to work now? What specific goals or objectives do I hope to achieve by re-entering the workforce? […]

10 Things To Do If You Have No Work Reference.

Overcoming the absence of work references can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can employ to showcase your skills and qualifications effectively: 1.Focus on Transferable Skills: Highlight skills that are applicable across various industries. These might include communication, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, and adaptability. Emphasize how these skills make you a valuable candidate, even […]

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