The Dangers of Oversharing in a Job Interview

Over-sharing in a job interview can be detrimental for several reasons. While it’s important to convey relevant information about yourself to potential employers, providing too much personal or irrelevant information can create a negative impression and harm your chances of securing the job. Here are some reasons why over-sharing is generally considered a bad thing in a job interview:


Job interviews are professional settings, and employers are primarily interested in your skills, qualifications, and how well you fit into the company culture. Over-sharing personal details may make you appear unprofessional and distract from your qualifications.

TMI (Too Much Information):

Sharing too many personal details, especially those unrelated to the job, can overwhelm the interviewer and divert the conversation away from the key aspects of your candidacy. It’s important to strike a balance between sharing relevant information and maintaining a professional tone.

Risk of Discrimination:

Revealing too much personal information may expose you to potential bias or discrimination, even if unintentional. Personal details that are unrelated to the job, such as health issues, family problems, or financial difficulties, may be used against you or impact the interviewer’s perception of your ability to perform in the role.

Time Management:

Over-sharing can take up valuable interview time, leaving less time to discuss your qualifications and experience. It’s essential to use the interview time wisely by focusing on the aspects that are most relevant to the position.

Distraction from Qualifications:

The goal of the interview is to highlight your qualifications and demonstrate why you are the right fit for the job. Over-sharing may shift the focus away from your professional attributes and create a perception that you are not sufficiently focused on the job requirements.

Privacy Concerns:

Sharing too much personal information, especially if it’s sensitive or inappropriate for a professional setting, may raise concerns about your judgment and discretion. Employers may question your ability to maintain confidentiality in the workplace.

To avoid over-sharing, it’s important to carefully consider the relevance of the information you’re sharing and tailor your responses to focus on your professional qualifications and experiences. Remember to strike a balance between being personable and maintaining a level of professionalism that aligns with the expectations of the workplace.