Educator Spotlight – Open Training College

*****Educators Spotlight*****
Delight to spotlight our friends at Open Training College who specialise in courses in social care. Social Care Workers are a vital part of our society, as they care for, protect, and support vulnerable or dependent clients. Courses include their BA in Social Care Level 7 & Honours BA in Contemporary Disability Studies – Level 8 . To search the full list of social care and human services course click the link below ?????
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The Open Training College exists to provide accredited training and consultancy services to the human services and non-profit sector. Our knowledge and expertise:

  • Provides people with the skills required to effectively perform their professional roles
  • Directly addresses the operational and strategic challenges experienced by organisations within the sector
  • Makes a constructive contribution to policy and professional practice
  • Offers positive outcomes for service users by encouraging best-practice person-centred processes and competencies

Our Philosophy – One Community, Working & Learning Together

Established by St. Michael’s House in 1992, our philosophy is, and always will be, shaped by the demands of our sector and the needs of our staff, students, client organisations and service users.

We believe that everything we do has to make a difference. To achieve that, it:

  • Must be sector-specific
  • Has to be practical in every sense of that word
  • Remain relevant and meet the highest possible standards of professional practice
  • Reflect the realities of people’s lives

This commitment has driven our desire to create a community of learning and professional practice, one that focuses on the acquisition, dissemination and practical application of knowledge and expertise.

We believe that this approach – built on collaboration between ourselves, our students and the more than 220 organisations we work with – has created a unique environment in which people from the human services and non-profit sector can learn and work together in ways that make a real difference to our service users.  It has driven:

  • Who we are
  • Our relationship with students
  • The kind of consultancy services and partnerships we have built up over the last quarter century