Career Spotlight – Horticulture

A horticulturist can have many different roles, but as a general rule, horticulture refers to the growth of food and other types of plants.

While this career is similar to a landscape architect, there are fundamental differences between the two.

Landscape architects have a lot of knowledge on how to design beautiful layouts for public gardens or parks. A horticulturist goes one step beyond and knows the science behind different plants, flowers, and greenery. They conduct research in gardening and landscaping, plant propagation, crop production, plant breeding, genetic engineering, plant biochemistry, and plant physiology.

Sounds pretty interesting right?

You want to learn how to grow your own species of plants??

We know you do.

Well, check out the course options below, and you’ll be well on your way! You might even come up with a way to make money grow on trees…

Once you complete the course, you will be qualified to begin a career in horticulture, or even progress to further study if you so desire.

Horticulture – Killester College

This is a level 4 qualification. Course components are subject to variations, but an example of what you might study is as follows:

  • Communications
  • Work Experience
  • Growing Fruit
  • Establishing Trees & Shrubs
  • Safe Horticultural Practice
  • Plant Propagation
  • Plant Identification, Care & Maintenance
  • Growing Vegetables

Looking for a career change but don’t think Horticulture is for you? Make sure to check out our course search for more!