Back To Work Mindset Program

Back To Work Connect were delighted to partner with Monica Haughey recently to bring you our Back To Work Mindset Program

This new and innovative three month programme offers women who have been at home caring for others the opportunity to look at how they might re engage in the workforce. Through the programme we give women the opportunity to look at where they currently see themselves in their lives and where they would love to be !

Why should I join?

So may women have chosen to prioritise their families and others needs over their own needs, often perhaps without even noticing that their own needs have gone to the bottom of their agendas. Now, as their families grow a little they often notice the desire for  something more and for work outside the home. This can happen because of the important issue of finance  but also as they wish to find more fulfillment and utilize other strengths and talents they have that have perhaps become hidden.

At our first meet up last week, the women who attended had been at home with their children or taken a job that fitted around family life but hasn’t been either well paid or satisfying. It became obvious that the women all had huge potential but were limiting themselves in terms of seeking fulfillment and satisfying work as they had lost confidence or wanted to put others first.

Many women have lost part of themselves through motherhood and find it hard to identify what they want for THEMSELVES. And this isn’t about being selfish but rather recognizing that it’s so important to attend to ones own needs as well as  caring for others.

Whats involved?

Through the period of the next 5  meetings we will look at the current situation for the women, where they are at in their lives and how they are holding themselves back. We will  look at mindset, confidence building, setting intentions and getting the support they need to move forward in their  life -and importantly in the direction they choose! Its not about others expectations but theirs!

The full details of the group can be found HERE

There is still just two places left and the closing date is Friday 8th October.

If you are interested in joining the group or chatting to Monica her contact details are below.
