Unlocking Your LinkedIn Network

Back To Work Connect were delighted to host “Unlocking Your LinkedIn Network” with Eoin Redmond program Manager for the Social Impact Team in LinkedIn Dublin, working directly with jobseekers to help them take their next career step.

He is also a Senior Customer Success Manager in the Global Clients Program, partnering with LinkedIn’s most strategic customers to achieve with their hiring goals in an ever-evolving marketplace.

An introductory session to the 900m members that are the global LinkedIn network, and the importance of ensuring that your profile is set up in the best way get value from this.

This was a session walking through tips and tricks to make sure that your profile stands out from the pack, but is also authentic to your own brand and your professional goals. Feel free to ask whatever you would like to get value from the session, no question is too small!

You can watch the recorded session here,