returning to work

Looking to get back to work? Here are some supports available in Ireland.

In Ireland, there are various back-to-work supports and initiatives aimed at helping individuals return to employment or education after a period of unemployment. These programs are administered by government agencies and are designed to assist people in gaining new skills, finding job opportunities, and overcoming barriers to reentering the workforce. Some of the key back-to-work […]

How do I get back to work after 10 years?

Getting back to work after a 10-year break can be challenging, but it’s certainly possible with the right approach and determination. Here’s a quick guide to help you get started: Self-Assessment: Reflect on your skills and interests. What were you good at before your break, and what do you enjoy doing now? Consider any personal […]

20 Top Tips To Prepare For Your Next Interview

Preparing for an interview is crucial to increase your chances of success. Here’s a comprehensive list of things to do when preparing for an interview: 1. Research the Company: Learn about the company’s mission, values, products, and services. Understand the company culture and history. Familiarize yourself with recent news or developments related to the company. […]

Interview Tips: Describing your personal competencies in leadership

Describing your personal competencies in leadership is important when seeking to showcase your leadership abilities to potential employers, colleagues, or team members. Effective leadership encompasses a range of competencies and qualities. Here’s how you can describe your personal competencies in leadership: Self-Awareness: Begin by acknowledging your self-awareness. Describe how you understand your strengths, weaknesses, values, […]

Top 12 Examples of Personal Competencies in Change Management

1. Communication Skills: “I excel in change management through my strong communication skills. I’ve effectively conveyed the rationale and benefits of change to cross-functional teams, ensuring that everyone understands the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the transformation.” 2. Leadership and Vision: “My leadership in change management is evident in my ability to create a clear vision […]

Interview Tip: Describing your competencies in change management

Describing your personal competencies in change management involves highlighting your skills, knowledge, and abilities related to effectively managing and navigating change within an organization. Change management is essential in today’s dynamic business environment, and your proficiency in this area can be a valuable asset. Here’s a step-by-step guide to describing your personal competencies in change […]

Interview Tips: Describing your personal effectiveness competencies

Personal effectiveness can manifest in various ways in different aspects of your life. Here are some examples of personal effectiveness in various areas: Time Management: Consistently meeting deadlines at work or school. Effectively prioritizing tasks to maximize productivity. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Communication: Giving clear and concise presentations. Actively listening and showing empathy in […]

Interview Tip: Describing your competencies in delivering results

Describing your competencies in delivering results is crucial for showcasing your abilities to potential employers, colleagues, or in various professional settings. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to effectively describe your competencies in delivering results: Understand the Competencies: Start by understanding the specific competencies or skills you possess that contribute to delivering results. These could […]

Back to work with: Dublin Bus

Reentering the workforce after a career break can be a daunting experience, often marked by a series of challenges and a cloud of uncertainty.  The landscape may seem fraught with challenges, self-doubt, and the inevitable apprehension of bridging the gap between where you left off and where the industry has evolved. Amid these swirling emotions, […]

Career Spotlight – Business Development

Working in business development in Ireland involves identifying growth opportunities, building relationships, and expanding a company’s reach. Here’s a short description of the skills needed for a career in business development: Business development professionals play a crucial role in expanding a company’s market presence and revenue streams. They often work closely with sales, marketing, and […]

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