Objective: To equip Talent Acquisition (TA) professionals with the knowledge and skills to identify Returner CVs, understand their unique value, and confidently put them forward for interviews.
This training program will focus on raising awareness of career Returners, addressing common biases, and providing practical tools to assess their potential effectively.
Module 1: Understanding Returners
Define who Returners are and why they are valuable to the workforce.
What is a returner?
Individuals re-entering the workforce after an extended career break. Predominately women between the age of 35 & 55.
Objective: Preparing a business case for hiring Returners:
Addressing skills shortages
Enhancing diversity and inclusion
Proven adaptability, resilience, and motivation
Common myths and misconceptions about Returners
Activity: Group discussion – “What comes to mind when you hear ‘career break’?”
Module 2: Identifying Returner CVs
Objective: Help TA professionals recognise and fairly assess returner CVs.
Common features of a Returner CV:
Career gaps (often 2+ years)
Skills-based or functional CV formats
Strong previous experience but a time gap
How to interpret career breaks positively:
Transferable skills gained during a break (e.g., project management, leadership, problem-solving)
Continuous learning (volunteering, certifications, freelance work)
Avoiding unconscious bias when reviewing CVs
Activity: CV Review – Compare traditional vs. Returner CVs and discuss strengths.
Module 3: Encouraging Returners into the Interview Process
Objective: Equip TA teams with strategies to advocate for Returners and facilitate a fair interview process.
How to position a returner candidate to hiring managers:
Highlighting past achievements and relevant skills over career gaps
Emphasising transferable skills and learning agility
Structuring interviews for Returners:
Focusing on skills, potential, and motivation
Using competency-based questions
Providing confidence-boosting feedback
Activity: Role-play – Present a returner’s profile to a hiring manager.
Module 4: Creating a Returner-Friendly Hiring Process
Objective: Ensure long-term success by embedding inclusive hiring practices.
Adjusting job descriptions to be returner-friendly (e.g., removing unnecessary years of recent experience, focusing on core skills)
Offering returnship programs or mentoring support
Encouraging flexible work options to support re-entry
Tracking and evaluating returner hiring success
Activity: Action Planning – Each participant identifies one change they can implement immediately.
Follow-Up & Resources
Returner CV checklist for TA teams
Bias-awareness toolkit
Final Takeaway:
By championing Returners, TA professionals not only tap into an overlooked talent pool but also contribute to a more inclusive and diverse workplace.
For more information on Returner Friendly Recruitment Training contact our team at info@backtoworkconnect.ie
or download our training brochure HERE