Building Financial Foundations

BTWC: The Podcast
BTWC: The Podcast
Building Financial Foundations

We’re going back to financial basics today on the Back to Work Connect Podcast, where we spoke with Niamh De Búrca, founder & CEO of SproutPlans, to cover the foundations of successful financial management and resilience.

Whether you consider yourself financially savvy or are just starting out, this episode is for anyone who wants to enhance their financial skills and build healthy financial foundations. 

We cover 👇

✔️ Where to find information to kickstart your financial education journey

✔️ How to evaluate trustworthy financial resources 

✔️ Back to basics: Financial Management 101 

✔️ How to create a sustainable standard of living

✔️ How to build your financial resilience

✔️ Understanding & categorising your spending habits

✔️ Creating an emergency fund & planning ahead

✔️ Setting financial/ savings goals

✔️ Managing financial debt

✔️ The importance of insurance coverage & income protection 

✔️ How to diversify your income & build passive income streams

Listen now on Podbean or via the link in our bio ☝️

Huge thank you to our sponsors, The Community Foundation of Ireland and the Bank of Ireland Begin Together Fund.