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Our Social Impact
Our mission is to demonstrate the value of midlife workers (parents, carers and career changers) to the jobs market and society overall and connect them with the supports, skills and opportunities they need to re-enter the workforce in a meaningful and financially viable manner.
Under our social impact goals we are developing a number of programmes to address the skills shortages in the labour market and the disconnect between midlife candidates looking to resume employment following a career break and the actual opportunities available to them.
Returner Open Employer Certification allows employers who are open to age and gender diversity in their workforces to stand out from the crowd with this certification.
Skills 4 Success is a career guidance and support project. The programme consists of workshops and one on one career coaching, providing support in confidence building, CV preparation, interview skills and career guidance. These skills are fundamental to enabling individuals who have been out of the workforce for a number of years to understand their potential.
Candidate Identification Programme. Following on from Skills 4 Success, candidates are identified based on their skills and preferences for openings/roles with registered Returner Friendly Employers.
The Next Step-Returnship programme will offer work experience to those who need it in a supportive and encouraging environment offering them a stepping stone to further their employment potential. It will help people who have been out of the workforce for more than 2 years to get back to work by offering part-time and temporary placements within Back To Work Connect and other partner companies. After the placement, participants are encouraged to look for permanent jobs elsewhere, based on the experience and new skills they have gained while on the programme.
Back To Work Connect is a socially minded company and our social impact strategy is aligned with three of the UN Sustainability Development Goals. For more information on our Social Impact Framework and our social impact goals contact info@backtoworkconnect.ie
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