entrepreneur entrepreneur

The Ultimate Entrepreneur Crash Course – Everything You Need To Know To Start Your Own Business

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business? It can feel a little overwhelming – There is SO MUCH you don’t know! This is why Irish Times Training have created the perfect course for the budding entrepreneur!

The Springboard+ Entrepreneurs Programme (leading to an Advanced Certificate in Management Practice) has been specifically designed for individuals at the very early stage of forming a business. Think you’ve got the entrepreneur bug? Then this is the course for you!

Here’s What You Will learn:

The course will cover all aspects of starting and running your own business, including:

  • Presenting Your Best Self
  • Personal Effectiveness (accredited module)
  • Strategy – Refining Your Business Idea
  • Managing the Marketing Funnel
  • Selling Online – Developing Your Online Presence
  • Driving Customer Traffic
  • The Future of Work (accredited module)
  • Resilience for Entrepreneurs
  • Sales & Negotiation
  • Finance for Start-Ups
  • Management Project (accredited module)

How it works

The programme will take place 2 mornings per week over 18 weeks. You will attend all classes online (They are delivered live, to ensure an interactive and engaging learning environment).

About Springboard+

Springboard+ provides free higher education courses to unemployed people, those previously self-employed, and those returning to work. Courses will also be free for employed people (on NFQ Level 6 courses). You can even use Springboard+ for courses that are level 7 – 9 NQF, and in this case you only have to pay 10% of the fee!

The idea of Springboard+ is that it allows you to bring your career to the next level. Learn new skills, enhance your existing skills, or get the promotion or job you’ve always dreamed of.

Springboard+ is managed by The Higher Education Authority on behalf of The Department of Education and Skills. It’s co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020.

So, are you ready to turn your seedling idea into a fully fledged business? Check out this course and take that next step!!!