digital marketing digital marketing

Course Spotlight – Digital Marketing – DBS

Digital marketing is a VERY fun and exciting career, where no two days will ever be the same!

It is the ideal career choice for anyone with a creative mindset, and a willingness to learn (as it is also an industry that is constantly changing and evolving!).

What does it involve?

More than you might think! There are SO many different facets to the role of a digital marketer… Here are a few:

  • Overall Marketing strategy
  • Digital content strategy
  • Facebook Ads (creation, measurement, optimisation)
  • Google Ads (creation, measurement, optimisation)
  • Adspend budget management
  • Copywriting
  • Graphic design
  • Social media account management
  • Web design
  • SEO
  • UX

Sounds like the career for me! But I didn’t study marketing in college…

No worries!

Dublin Business School have created a full-time Level 8 conversion award. It will give you a Higher Diploma in Digital Marketing. All you need in order to get on the course, is a level 8 degree in ANY discipline, or a level 7 qualification in business or marketing.

THE most important thing for brands right now, is the ability to create engaging, memorable content that will turn normal people into raving fans. In this course, you will learn how to do JUST that. When you complete the programme, you will be qualified to work in a diverse range of digital marketing roles and/or be in a position to take up further Level 9 postgraduate studies.

Modules on the Higher Diploma in Science in Digital Marketing include:

  • Digital Marketing Management
  • Content & Storytelling
  • Digital Communications
  • Technologies & Tools
  • E-Commerce & Marketing Financials
  • Analytics & Metrics
  • Digital Portfolio

For more info, check out the listing on our course search, or head to DBS website.

Looking for a career change but don’t think digital marketing is for you? Make sure to check out our course search for more!