Discover the Benefits of Upskilling & Retraining

Returners, individuals who are re-entering the workforce after a period of absence, may need to upskill and retrain for several reasons:

Technological Advances:

During the time away from the workforce, technology may have advanced significantly. Retraining helps returners familiarize themselves with new tools, software, and systems that have become standard in their industry.

Industry Changes:

Industries undergo constant changes, whether in regulations, best practices, or market trends. Returners need to update their knowledge to align with the current state of the industry and understand any new developments.

Skill Relevance:

Skills that were once in high demand may become outdated over time. Upskilling ensures that returners possess the relevant and sought-after skills in the current job market.

Professional Confidence:

Taking time away from the workforce can sometimes result in a dip in professional confidence. Upskilling and retraining can help rebuild confidence by demonstrating that the returner is committed to staying current and capable in their field.


The job market is competitive, and employers often seek candidates with up-to-date skills. Upskilling enhances a returner’s employability by making them more attractive to potential employers.

Networking and Industry Connections:

Returning to the workforce may involve establishing new professional connections or rekindling previous ones. Staying informed about industry changes through upskilling can facilitate networking and help returners connect with current professionals.


The ability to adapt to change is a valuable trait in the modern workplace. Upskilling demonstrates a returner’s adaptability and willingness to embrace new challenges.

Career Advancement:

Returners may have aspirations for career advancement. Upskilling provides the knowledge and expertise necessary to pursue higher-level positions and take on more responsibilities.

Bridge Employment Gaps:

Employment gaps on a resume may raise questions for potential employers. Upskilling can help bridge these gaps, showing that the individual used their time away from the workforce productively.

Enhanced Productivity:

Learning new skills or refreshing existing ones can contribute to increased productivity. Returners who are up-to-date on industry standards and practices are likely to be more efficient in their roles.

Alignment with Organizational Goals:

Companies have specific goals and priorities that may have evolved during the returner’s absence. Upskilling ensures that the returner’s knowledge and skills align with the current objectives of the organization.

In summary, upskilling and retraining are essential for returners to stay competitive, relevant, and confident in the workforce. It not only enhances their individual capabilities but also benefits employers seeking skilled and adaptable professionals.

Finding the right course that supports your specific career goals is vital. For more information on upskilling and retraining visit our course directory HERE