Coding Careers for Women

The tech sector is growing, but a lack of understanding about roles in the industry may be preventing women from joining. So what are the jobs, where are they, and how can women get started?

Coding Careers for Women* is a joint initiative between Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board and the Mid-West Regional Skills Partnership. This pilot initiative offers women a pathway into a career in the tech industry. It combines a 9 month online Diploma in Software Development with a 3-month work-placement, in partnership with the local tech industry.

If online learning is a new concept, you will be reassured by the support package that you will receive. You’ll have access to live tutor support 24/7, a personal mentor to guide you through, a learner community and career services to help you gain employment job in the sector. This is backed by employers in the Mid-West who will provide 3-month placements to give you practical experience and industry insights.

Diploma in Software Development

ONLINE COURSE Awarded by Code Institute

This 52-week online course, delivered by Code Institute, will prepare you for working as an associate software developer by providing you with practical software development skills to meet current industry needs. You will develop your skills to design, create, test and project manage a Full-Stack web-based software application. You will enjoy a 3-month placement with an employer in the Mid-West to gain practical workplace experience.

Progression / Employment Opportunities

On successful completion, you will receive a Diploma in Software Development, which is credit-rated by the University of the West of Scotland and aligned to a QQI Level 6 Major Award on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). You will be provided with support to assist with job applications for roles as junior developers, technical support or software testing roles. 

Next Steps

Interested but need to hear more?

Code Institute are hosting an information webinar on 4th March where they are happy to answer any questions you may have. Book your tickets HERE

Entry Requirements

To ensure this is the right course for you there are some entry requirements, completion of a 5-step coding challenge and an interview.

Click on the Apply Now button to proceed with your application on FETCH (the national Further Education and Training Course Hub). Or, click on the Enquire Now button to open up a form for you to complete. You will then be contacted by a member of our team who will assist you with your application and help ensure this is the right traineeship for you. 

For more information Click Here