
Fulfill Your Career Dreams: Strategies to Stay Motivated

Finding the right career and staying motivated can be challenging but here are some tips to help you along the way: Self-Reflection: Take the time to understand your interests, skills, values, and passions. Reflect on what activities make you feel fulfilled and energized. Set Clear Goals: Define specific, achievable, and realistic career goals. Break them […]

Staying Motivated: Tips for Achieving Your Goals

Maintaining motivation, especially during the month of January when many people are setting New Year’s resolutions, can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated: Set Realistic Goals: Break down your larger goals into smaller, achievable steps. This can make your objectives more manageable and less overwhelming. Prioritise: Identify your most important […]

Why the right job title is so important

Choosing the right job title is crucial tool for employers in attracting, managing, and retaining talent. It serves as a key element in recruitment strategies, organisational communication, and the overall employee experience. Here are key reasons why the job title matters for employers: Attracting Top Talent: A well-crafted and accurately descriptive job title is essential […]

Creating a Returner Friendly Workforce: How Employers Can Help

Supporting working mothers in returning to work is not only beneficial for the employees but also contributes to a positive and inclusive workplace culture. As an employer you can play an important role is their journey. According to a recent study by the Government Equities Department in the UK, There are two million people out […]

Over qualified for a role?

Are you frequently turned down for interviews because you’re considered overqualified for the job? Employers sometimes do this because they fear that overqualified candidates may demand a higher salary or get bored and leave for a better opportunity Facing frequent rejections due to being considered overqualified can be frustrating, but there are strategies you can […]

Tips to Manage Your Expectations When Starting a New Job

Managing your expectations when starting a new job is crucial for a smooth transition and a positive experience. Here are some tips to help you set realistic expectations: Understand the Company Culture: Research the company culture before you start. Understand its values, work environment, and communication style. This will help you align your expectations with […]

Is sending a thank you note after an interview a good idea?

Is sending a thank you note after an interview a good idea? Yes, it is generally a good idea to send a follow-up message after an interview. A well-crafted follow-up can serve several purposes: Express Gratitude: A follow-up email is an opportunity to express your appreciation for the opportunity to interview. Thank the interviewer(s) for […]

Nervous about an upcoming interview?

It’s completely normal to feel nervous before an interview. Here are some tips to help you manage your nervousness and boost your confidence: Preparation is Key: Research the company thoroughly. Understand its values, mission, and culture. Know the job description and requirements well. Prepare answers to common interview questions. Rehearse your responses with a friend […]

Are you considering a new career in January? Explore why now could be the perfect time for a fresh start.

January is often considered a good time to think about a new career for several reasons: New Year, Fresh Start: The beginning of the year symbolises a fresh start for many people. It’s a time when individuals reflect on the past year, set goals, and make resolutions. This natural inclination toward self-improvement can extend to […]

The Dangers of Oversharing in a Job Interview

Over-sharing in a job interview can be detrimental for several reasons. While it’s important to convey relevant information about yourself to potential employers, providing too much personal or irrelevant information can create a negative impression and harm your chances of securing the job. Here are some reasons why over-sharing is generally considered a bad thing […]

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