
BTWC: The Podcast
BTWC: The Podcast

Experiencing redundancy can be tough, both emotionally and financially.

But it’s important to remember that you do not need to navigate the journey alone ♥️

In Episode 12 of our podcast, we spoke with Niamh De Búrca, founder & CEO of SproutPlans, to discuss redundancy and the financial consequences of losing your job.

We cover 👇

✔️ What is redundancy?

✔️ Reasons for redundancy

✔️ Financial entitlements

✔️ Employer obligations

✔️ Voluntary vs compulsory redundancy

✔️ Redundancy packages

✔️ The effects of redundancy on pensions

✔️ Redundancy payment & tax

✔️ Supports available

✔️Making a plan for life after redundancy

Listen now on Google Play, Spotify or the link below

Enjoyed the episode? 👀

Well, we have MUCH more in store! New episodes will be released every two weeks.

Huge thank you to our sponsors, The Community Foundation of Ireland and the Bank of Ireland Begin Together Fund.